Tuesday, June 25, 2013

A day off and a gold car...

On Monday night, the Emir announced that he would be handing power over to his son, and that the following day, Tuesday would be a public holiday.

Amazing - within a couple of hours, everyone knew, schools had sent out emails cancelling the day's events, and Tuesday was a day off.

A little inconvenient, truthfully, as it was supposed to be prize giving at Sherborne, and now prize giving has to be squeezed into today's activities.  But hey, I'm not moaning about a bonus day with Darrell and kids.

Being a holiday, and such an important day, the fancy cars were out in force.  Darrell pointed out something red, he called it an Italia something or other, and various other cars which didn't really interest me that much.

The car which did get my attention was some sort of Mercedes (need D to tell me the model!) - and the reason it grabbed me was that it was gold.
Not painted gold. 
The entire car was covered in gold.

Can you imagine what the insurance premiums must be!

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