Friday, March 16, 2012

The best of Doha's bureaurocracy

Last night we had a very enjoyable evening with friends who are enduring the same kind of Doha problems we are. Almost exactly - he's also setting up a company here. So, over a bottle of wine (bought for us by friends because neither of us are legally allowed to buy alcohol yet) we exchanged stories of delays caused by inefficiency, ineptitude and sheer laziness.
But the best delay definitely belonged to them.
In order to start the processing of getting residency permits, the applicant has to go and have his fingerprints taken. Doha has a very nice little system set up with no more black ink etc. The fingers are rolled across a touch screen and electronically recorded. Theoretically.
So, off he went to get his prints taken. And came back with the prints still not taken and with the instruction to rub olive oil into his hands for 7 days and then come back.
Yes, that's official. And no, they won't try again until his 7 days of raiding his wife's cooking supplies is over. There was no problem with the machine. It was all because of his horrid rough fingers - clearly too much typing on the office PC.
Gotta love this place!

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