Friday, February 24, 2012

Religious confusion

This morning we took the kids to an Anglican church to make a change from the nearby happy-clappy clan. We hadn't figured on its being the first Friday of Lent (David's giving up school for Lent, he says) or the fact that the bishop of the Diocese was visiting, so they were taking the chance to have confirmations, ordinations, blessings of lay readers as well as a baptism. So the church officials were all tricked out in their finery, which brought on a good question from Steph.
"Why" she asked loudly as they advanced ceremonously down the isle, "why are they all wearing white abayas?"

The children's sermon was quite illuminating too. They were asked who knows what Lent means? The children shook their heads, they had no idea. "Lent" said the bishop "Is rather like the Christian version of Ramadan." Aha! The children nodded wisely - they all know all about Ramadan!

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