Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Intellectual? I don't think so...

My brother, whose little grey cells still work, recommended The Black Swan by Nassim Nicholas Taleb.
And I, in a quest to prove that mine are also operational, bought a copy and started to read it. I enjoyed the prologue and actually laughed in recognition at several of the statements made in the first chapter. And, although my perusal of this book was not speedy, it was steady. And short lived.
Soon after Chapter One, Bella decided that she could devour it so much more effectively than I could. And she did. A decided step up from her usual chew toys - our visitors' footwear - by the way.
I gathered up the shredded pages scattered through the house and contemplated sticking them together so I could finish reading it.
I'm still contemplating it. And may be for some time. I'm not sure I want to read it badly enough to do the puzzle, or even to spend the money on a second copy.
Sadly, I must confess that I am NOT an intellectual. OK, no surprises there!

1 comment:

David MP said...

Buy a Kindle or iPad - download books from Amazon through wifi - but still need to keep it away from the dogs !